incredible. Fucking piece of shit games and movies everywhere on this god forsaken site. the only thing i found worth playing today was Sprocket Rocket. fun little game,poor replay value, but a real time killer. a fat fuck you to anybody who said this game was to hard or commercial. it's alot better than playing games like, i dunno, Desire and Submission 2?
And then people wonder why i'm mad. and all like 'raging' and 'trolling.' this poor excuse of a site just gets on my nerves, while we keep posting crappy ass games and flash animations in the portal. Tom fulp his wallet gets fatter.
I'm not starting a revolution here, because that's impossible. It's too late. since the masses of 13 year olds are desensitized by all the shit they get thrown in their face.
fuck it all. i hate this, and i need a drink. While tom enjoys his gross revenue he gets from plastering this site with fucking ads. we get shovels of shit in our face.
real classy, faggots.
i leave you with this brand new track by heist.
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here's a drawing i made, check out DA for a higher quality version.
you gay