i have fallen onto hard times. Critical insomnia is fallen into a slumber, our coder is a stupid lazy russian who smokes weed all day. and the site doesn't get updated. My comic has been on hiatus since i think august. And i have a feeling if this site doesn't get anything renewing, it's actually going to die.
Art school is also a motherfucker, And my dorm master (something we have here in europe) is on my ass too much about studying, that it's actually flipping my shit. That i don't want to do anything. it's not school getting to me, it's the dorm.
While a lot of people say that my art is good and that i should make a living off of it, i don't know how. I don't know where to start. Which sucks hard. so right now i'm just running circles. what the fuck am i going to do? I really don't know
But there is a small light on the horizon, me and my sister are thinking about renting an appartment. A friend of mine also suggested me it would be a good idea to start making shirts with some of my designs on them. And that's really the only good news. furthermore i'm just sitting here not knowing what to do.
lol good post but you gotta check out this site that gives you FREE Xbox Live and PSN points before Microsoft or Sony shut it down! its called <a href="http://freegamerpoints.net">http://freegamerpoints.net</a> and ive been using it for awhile its great, especially with Black Ops on the way :P